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Global News Feed

2019-02-19 11:03:00 UTC
The Daily Swig
The Daily Swig
Healthcare hotline: Millions of medical advice calls exposed in Sweden

Smorgasbord of security problems starts with lack of encryption

2019-02-18 21:26:00 UTC
When Cyberattacks Pack a Physical Punch

Physical security goes hand in hand with cyberdefense. What happens when – as we see all too often – the physical side is overlooked?

IoT Web Security IIoT Security Industrial IoT Physical Security Smart Home Security
2019-02-18 21:03:00 UTC
Most & least radiation emitting smartphones in 2019

By Zehra Ali

Smartphones are a utility in our lives more than any other thing. The addiction has increased to a level that most of us keep our smartphones by our side whether we are at the office, home or even while we are on the bed. According to the research by Cellular Telecommunication and Internet Association, there […]

This is a post from Read the original post: Most & least radiation emitting smartphones in 2019

Technology News Apple Google Health IPhone OnePlus Samsung Smartphone Technology Xiaomi
2019-02-18 16:07:00 UTC
Torrent uploader CracksNow caught distributing GrandCrab ransomware

By Waqas

Famous Uploader CracksNow Banned from Torrents for Distributing GrandCrab Ransomware. CracksNow is a prominent software uploader who appears regularly on torrent sites. However, recently the account of CracksNow was banned by several torrent sites while the uploader is accused of distributing GrandCrab ransomware. See: The Pirate Bay malware can empty your Cryptocurrency wallet It all started when […]

This is a post from Read the original post: Torrent uploader CracksNow caught distributing GrandCrab ransomware

Cyber Crime Malware Security GrandCrab Hacking Ransomware Security Torrent
2019-02-18 15:30:00 UTC
Dark Reading
Dark Reading
Privacy Ops: The New Nexus for CISOs & DPOs

No longer can privacy be an isolated function managed by legal or compliance departments with little or no connection to the organization's underlying security technology.

2019-02-18 15:30:00 UTC
The Daily Swig
The Daily Swig
Patched WordPress plugin still susceptible to attacks

Update now before payments app costs more than you bargained for

2019-02-18 14:33:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
Mega-crackers back with nearly 100 million new stolen data records

Sounds like the crooks who tried to sell more than 600 million records last week are back with nearly 100 million more...

Data Loss Breach Data Breach
2019-02-18 13:51:00 UTC
Krebs on Security
Krebs on Security
A Deep Dive on the Recent Widespread DNS Hijacking Attacks

The U.S. government — along with a number of leading security companies — recently warned about a series of highly complex and widespread attacks that allowed suspected Iranian hackers to siphon huge volumes of email passwords and other sensitive data from multiple governments and private companies. But to date, the specifics of exactly how that attack went down and who was hit have remained shrouded in secrecy.

This post seeks to document the extent of those attacks, and traces the origins of this overwhelmingly successful cyber espionage campaign back to a cascading series of breaches at key Internet infrastructure providers.

A Little Sunshine Data Breaches The Coming Storm APNIC Bill Woodcock Cisco Talos Comodo CrowdStrike DHS DNSpionage DNSSEC EPP Extensible Provisioning Protocol Farsight Security FireEye Frobbit ICANN John Crain Key Systems Lars Michael Jogbäck LetsEncrypt Netnod Packet Clearing House Patrik Fältström PCH SecurityTrails U.S. Department Of Homeland Security
2019-02-18 13:40:00 UTC
The Daily Swig
The Daily Swig
UK plans to ‘manage’ Huawei 5G security risk

NCSC gives green light to limited technologies from Chinese supplier

2019-02-18 11:55:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
Opera integrates a cryptocurrency wallet – is this Web 3.0?

When it appears in the next few weeks, the next version of Opera (“Reborn 3” or “R3”) for Windows, Mac and Linux will become the first mainstream desktop browser to integrate a cryptocurrency wallet.

Apple Safari Cryptocurrency Firefox Google Google Chrome Microsoft Edge Opera Privacy Web Browsers Blockchain Chrome Cryptocurrency Wallet Edge Browser Ethereum Opera Opera R3 Web 3.0

BreachAware Insight

BreachAware Podcast

Listen to our podcast, where Andrew, the visionary CEO of BreachAware, sits down with unsung heroes of the cyber security industry. Get ready to uncover the stories and insights of industry trailblazers you might not have heard of before, as they share their experiences, opinions, and insider intel. But beware, it's not all serious talk—expect a healthy dose of humour (and the odd cussing) sprinkled throughout the conversation.

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