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Global News Feed

2019-02-11 11:49:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
Secret Service busts online car sales crime ring

They posed as military needing to offload cars before deployment, allegedly posting bogus ads on Craigslist, eBay, and AutoTrader.

Law & Order Phishing Brute Force Attack Cryptocurrency Fraud Indictment Money Laundering Online Auction Fraud Online Auctions Online Car Sales Online Car Sales Scams Romanians Scams
2019-02-11 11:42:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
What comes after air gaps? DARPA asks world for ideas

According to DARPA, air gapping computers and data is a security idea that has run its course and urgently needs to be replaced.

Security Threats Air Gap DARPA Department Of Defense
2019-02-11 10:39:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
Get-rich-quick social media scams are turning teens into money mules

Young people are being talked into handing over their bank details with the promise of some easy cash.

Instagram Law & Order Snapchat Social Networks Cifas Fraud Misuse Of Facility Fraud Money Laundering Money Mules Scams
2019-02-11 10:35:00 UTC
Naked Security | Sophos
Naked Security | Sophos
You can now unsend messages in Facebook Messenger

Facebook Messenger has made available the ability to unsend, or in their words "remove for everyone" your mis-sent messages.

Facebook Facebook Messenger Unsend
2019-02-09 23:06:00 UTC
Clipper malware on Play Store replaces users BTC & ETH wallet address

By Waqas

This is the first ever Clipper malware found on Play Store. Another day another Android malware on Google Play Store – This time the IT security researchers at ESET have discovered a malware known for replacing the content of clipboard on the targeted device. This type of malware is called Clipper malware. The malware was targeting Android […]

This is a post from Read the original post: Clipper malware on Play Store replaces users BTC & ETH wallet address

Android Malware Security Bitcoin Cryptocurrency Ethereum Google Play Store Security
2019-02-08 21:04:00 UTC
Google Boosts Encryption For Low-End Android Devices

Google's Adiantum boosts encryption for low-end devices with processors that do not have hardware support for AES.

Cryptography Mobile Security Adiantum AES Chacha Encryption Google HTTPS
2019-02-08 18:45:00 UTC
Dark Reading
Dark Reading
Malware Campaign Hides Ransomware in Super Mario Wrapper

A newly discovered malware campaign uses steganography to hide GandCrab in a seemingly innocent Mario image.

2019-02-08 17:44:00 UTC
Theory: ‘Simple Hack’ Behind Bezos’ Alleged Compromising Images

Researchers theorize how Bezos’ very personal pictures may have been allegedly hacked.

Hacks Mobile Security Privacy Amazon Gmail Jeff Bezos Password Reuse
2019-02-08 17:03:00 UTC
The Daily Swig
The Daily Swig
South Africa welcomes new cybercrime legislation

Long-anticipated law expected to pass by end of year

2019-02-08 16:28:00 UTC
The Daily Swig
The Daily Swig
Google open sources cloud-based fuzzing tool

Cloudy with a chance of early bugs

BreachAware Insight

BreachAware Podcast

Listen to our podcast, where Andrew, the visionary CEO of BreachAware, sits down with unsung heroes of the cyber security industry. Get ready to uncover the stories and insights of industry trailblazers you might not have heard of before, as they share their experiences, opinions, and insider intel. But beware, it's not all serious talk—expect a healthy dose of humour (and the odd cussing) sprinkled throughout the conversation.

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