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Global food delivery service suffers a data breach.

05 September 2022

A total of 11 breaches were found and analysed resulting in 10,586,776 leaked accounts containing a total of 12 different data types. The breaches found publicly and freely available included Start, Kaixin001, DoorDash, Apache Clips and IT Sense. Sign in to view the full BreachAware Breach Index which includes, where available, reference articles relating to each breach.


An US food delivery service that operates all over the world, from Mexico to Japan, has unfortunately suffered a data breach. The company which engages with its users via their official app, can be found on iOS or Android. Over a hundred thousand unique email addresses and a range of datasets, including payment method and physical address were in the breach data. On the bright side no dietary preferences were disclosed, so at-least the team didn’t have to dig through the gluten free vegan section.

Well, after that section, I’m sure your on the edge of your seat because...

A derriere furniture manufacturer who pride themselves on their innovation and design solutions has had a section of their user base dumped online and is now in circulation among threat actors. A member of the team picked up a file containing usernames, email addresses, and hashed MD5 passwords. There has been no comment from the company in question regarding the breach that we could find.

As I’m sure you’re well aware, LastPass had a security incident last week. A threat actor gained access to a dev account and accessed some portions of source code and some proprietary Last Pass technical information. As you'd expect LastPass appear to be handling the situation competently with transparent updates directly from CEO @Karim Toubba, read more here https://blog.lastpass.com/2022/08/notice-of-recent-security-incident/

Any finally Samsung has confirmed a security incident, that took place in early August, has resulted in certain customers personal information being compromised. Read more directly from the horses mouth here https://www.samsung.com/us/support/securityresponsecenter/


Contact Data, Technical Data, Behavioural Data, Locational Data, Socia-Demographic Data.

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