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5,969,445 leaked accounts discovered by the BreachAware® Research Team last week.

30 May 2022

A total of 22 breaches were found and analysed resulting in 5,969,445 leaked accounts containing a total of 17 different data types. The breaches found publicly and freely available included ZoomCar, Knife Centre, Instagram, My Pirate and Deliver Club. Sign in to view the full BreachAware Breach Index which includes, where available, reference articles relating to each breach.


Gaming websites are back in vogue this week with three platforms compromised, a social media platform is the talk of the forums, a car rental company, a bespoke blockchain company, online retailers, a service that provides disposable email addresses, another web hosting company and a number of retailers, two manufacturers and a fiscal government department and a joint emergency federal service to name many more.

A blockchain company that provides verifiable sharing of digital documents, which means a way of verifying the legitimacy of a text document, has been exposed online and their user-base dumped on one of the many hacking forums. We’re not entirely sure how fresh the data leak is, but it seems like their whole user-base is circulating online. This kind of technology has many applications, for example they are using the service to verify shipping documents, healthcare records, education credentials , ID and access management and the use of preserving the privacy of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) in the metaverse.

Another set of data publicly found was a sensor company which specialises in automation, such as identification systems and data transmission. There are several large files floating around with sensitive information, such as bank statements, daily sales and payroll reports. The company employs over 1400 people around the world and has a stellar client base. To quote one of the BreachAware Researchers, “they say it is globally positioned to create tomorrow's innovations. Well, what ever innovations they have, they’ve been breached.”

The final breach to comment on was on a well-documented and reported breach of a popular social media platform. Why was there a buzz on the forums? It is supposedly limited to influencers and celebrities’ credentials that use the platform.


Contact Data, Technical Data, Locational Data, Financial Data, Transactional Data, Behavioural Data, Usage Data, Socia-Demographic Data.

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