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Optus suffers a massive data breach.

Optus suffers a massive data breach.

03 October 2022

A total of 8 breaches were found and analysed resulting in 923,799 leaked accounts containing a total of 16 different data types. The breaches found publicly and freely available included Clash of Clans Update (2), Swachh City, Fed Bank, Lime VPN Update (2) and Involade CC. Sign in to view the full BreachAware Breach Index which includes, where available, reference articles relating to each breach.


A gold investing site has suffered a data breach resulting in information about their whole user-base being dumped online. With around 20,000 unique accounts and a variety of sensitive information, this breach becomes a little more serious. Driving licence numbers, physical addresses, and full names are just three of the datasets worth noting. The company has been trading since 2010 and "is poised to emerge as a relevant player".

A well-known VPN provider who suffered a data breach last year has seen their breach data come back into circulation. When a backup server was hacked, email addresses, usernames, and VPN transaction information were exposed. Links on the darker parts of the internet had all dried up until recently, when someone posted a fresh link with all the data.

Australia's second largest telecommunications company, Optus, has recently suffered a massive data breach, resulting in over 1 million users being affected. The hacker posted a request on a popular hacking forum requesting a million dollars. However, he or she seems to have changed their mind because the hacker deleted the thread and posted a new one explaining that the data was not for sale and said "Deepest apology to Optus for this. Hope all goes well from here." Either Optus paid the hacker or he/she’s got cold feet. Optus, which was founded in 1981, had over 10 million users in 2019. The sample data included physical addresses, names, and gender.


Contact Data, Technical Data, Socia-Demographic Data, National Identifiers, Transactional Data, Social Relationships Data.

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